Ley Vara

Q: What is your favorite thing about music?

My favorite thing about music is the fact that you can be as creative as you want with it. There are no boundaries when it comes to expressing yourself in this way and that feeling it is very liberating Being able to use music as an outlet is what I look forward to everyday.

Q: What made you want to make music, specifically in R&B?

R&B music I found has resonated with me the most out of all other genres. It suits my voice and I just love writing songs about feelings and just being passionate about someone or something.

Q: How does it feel to be featured on Spotify Playlists, like Fresh Finds R&B?

I was honestly surprised to see that I was added to that playlist, and a couple there ones as well. It just goes to show that hard work pays off! It was very rewarding to see the song do so well especially on these Spotify playlists.

Q: What inspired you to write the song for you? Is there a story behind this song?

I wrote the song about the relationship I was in at the time. I would not consider it to be a toxic relationship but neither of us were happy but at the same time neither of us wanted to leave. We were stuck in the same cycle of fighting, forgetting about it, acting like everything was okay but in reality all of these things would eat away at the both of us. At the end of it I realized I just wanted to feel loved and thats why I was letting so many little things slide.

Q: How did you learn how to play the guitar? What interested you in picking this instrument up?

I took a couple years of guitar lessons! I still kinda suck, I can not do anything fancy just basic chords, but it is super helpful to be able to play an instrument. I wanted to start doing gigs and lugging around a piano was definitely not something I wanted to do so I decided to pick up the guitar.

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Q: How did you learn how to play the guitar? What interested you in picking this instrument up?

I took a couple years of guitar lessons! I still kinda suck, I can not do anything fancy just basic chords, but it is super helpful to be able to play an instrument. I wanted to start doing gigs and lugging around a piano was definitely not something I wanted to do so I decided to pick up the guitar.

Q: What advice would you give your young artist self? What makes you want to give yourself this advice?

Do not try to be someone you are not. I wasted a lot of time trying to fit a certain image when I knew it was not me. It is mentally draining just skip that whole phase lol

Q: What would you say makes your music stand out?

I think I have a unique voice and that is one of the main things that makes my music stand out.

Q: What would you say is the best way to promote your music, besides social media?

Spread the word organically!!!! Reach out to friends, family, random people you meet at the mall. Don't be shy, plug your music wherever you go. At the end of the day what do you have to lose?

Q: What is your all-time favorite R&B song? Is there a specific lyric from this song, you like most?

Stay Ready- Jhené Aiko "If everything was dipped in gold, then baby it will never grow." It is just a very nice lyric.

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