Meet RI artist Slitty Wrists


Q: When did your interest for music first start? Is there a specific experience that you remember?

A: I never thought I wanted to be a musician growing up but I was always a writer. Ever since I was 8 years old. I was growing up in D.R. and I wasn’t exposed to music unless it was from the radio. I took a tune that I had heard many times and remixed it into a funny spoof to show my mom and her guests. Comedy was one of the main things that led me to be an artist.

Q: How would you explain PunkTrap to people that have never heard of it before?

A: PunkTrap is a series of events that I do that combine local asks from around the state to come together bridging the scenes of hiphop and punk as well as the different areas.

Q: Where did the name Slitty and Slittywrists come from? What is the story behind your stage name?

A: A lot of people ask me where my name came from  or tell me that I should change it but I feel it is so fitting to my artistry. One of the main reasons I am called that is to bring awareness to mental health issues and talk about depression in an open way that lets you express that through alternative methods. Rather than commit self harm or hurt others why not instead play some Slitty Wrists and convert those negative emotions into positive ones. The name was given to me by an old friend that noticed that similarity between my previous name “Sidivs”. 

Slitty Wrists Sidivs 

People that are close to me know what I am about and hopefully you know a little more now too.

Q: Where did your inspiration come from for your newest released project Asthma?


A: Asthma is a title for a project that I have been holding onto for a while along with many of the ideas for the final songs. Once I met Jesse The Tree and started making music with him we instantly clicked and I knew he was meant to contribute the other half to the project. We both had ideas of our own and we’re able to find a common ground in which our styles mesh without compromising our individuality. ASTHMA is something that I have that makes it hard for you to breathe in the same way societal restraints and problems in the world might make you feel like you’re gasping for air. 

I hope by listening to this project we can help the listeners fill their lungs with air once more.

Q: What is one thing you would tell your younger self, being an artist or not?

A: One thing I would tell my younger self is to follow my  dream and disregard anything that anyone else had to say about it. I feel like hearing this would’ve set a lot of things in motion sooner for me but I do not regret the way that things happened because they molded me into the person that I am today.

Q: What do you know and like the most about A.L.I.E.N Entertainment?

A: What I like the most about ALIEN Ent. is that you guys are selflessly reaching out to people like me who are in desperate need of support from people around us. The goal is to rise and change everything about our surroundings and just by giving me the opportunity to get interviewed you are contributing to that. Thank you very much!!!

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Q: What is something you would want the public to know about what you are working on?

A: I want to let everyone know that my event #SLITFEST occurred on April 27th at The Morgue. This was the first of many and I had a wild lineup of artists as well as a few very special guests that will be joined. For my next performance that is like this I want as many people to come, come. It is a great time all around.

Q: Do you like performing? About how many shows have you done? What was your favorite show and why?

A: Performing to me is the closest thing you can get to heaven on earth. I was very shy growing up because I was scared to show my mind to the world. I feel like that is why I was attracted to performing because when you’re up there, all eyes are on you whether you like it or not. At first I used to get stage fright and be so nervous but after so many years of doing shows I have grown to love the feeling of excitement. The energy of the entire crowd flows as one and you become a composer of different frequencies and vibrations. One of my main thoughts on stage is, “How do I want these people to remember me?”. I don’t really remember how many shows I’ve done in total but it’s definitely been 100+ at the very least. I don’t ever want to stop it is a more addicting high than any drug in the world.


One of my favorite shows that I have done so far is open up for Bas and the Fiends crew at The Met. I was able to perform with Jesse The Tree which was so awesome. The reason why is that I won the opportunity by competing in an event where I went head to head with other MCs. I literally had to battle for the spot and I won which confirmed everything that I know about myself. Shout out to Spocka Summa for giving me the opportunity.

Q: What do you like to do in your free time? 

A: If you ever wonder what I am doing at the moment I am probably writing. It’s my favorite way to express myself and if I am not doing that than I am probably making a different form of artwork. 

I enjoy the process of making things. 

I was created in order to create.

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