Cashtro Like Fidel

Q: What do you like most about freestyling? Where do your “bars” come from?

A: When freestyling and making music in general my content and concepts come from life experiences and things that have happened around me. I am normally a very private person but when writing it is like the music is used as a diary for what is going on in my day to day. I want you to feel like you know me when you hear me and if not to at least hear something that will open your eyes to a way of live that might be relatable to yours

Q: Where did you get the idea for your t-shirt design?

A: Nowadays merch is such a big thing if it is done right and if you connect with your audience. I just wanted to give the same vibe all across the board, from the music to the clothing. Motivational Purposes Only is not just a phrase to me it’s a way of life, like we live in a world where everything is considered “flexing” or “stunting” but when I see somebody showing their come up or what drives them I take it as Motivation cause if they can do I can too! As far as the design I wanted to create wearable merch that isn’t so much a billboard but just dope stylish items that could fit into your everyday rotation

Q: Who is your favorite fashion icon in the industry?

A: There are so many.. from the Virgil Ablohs who started with Pyrex vision reconstructing Champion tee’s and hoodies to Heron Preston who had a similar come up making fake Gucci tee’s into his own designs, to WestsideGunn who is going crazy with the merch right now. I just keep my eye on those creatives who take their limited resources and turn them into a market and continue to tell stories through their product.

Q: Where would you like your career to go?

A: I have so many ideas I would just like to get them all out and see where that takes me. Music opens so many doors the potential is limitless. I definitely know I want to dive deep into fashion and also take my music to the highest stage possible. The work just needs to be put in and my foot can not come off the Gas. In November I dropped my EP Motivational Purposes Only and as soon as this quarantine is over I’m going to finish up MPO2 and release that which I’m excited about

Q: Where did the name Cashtro Like Fidel come from?

A: Cash has always been my nickname in my hood and like any name no matter what it is people will call you variations of it depending on how comfy they are with you so some people would call me Cash money, others would call me Cashtro and that just stuck

Q: Who would you consider the best rapper of all �me? Why?

A: I can not give you a definite one answer cause I like a few for different reasons. First off I used to have arguments with people over Jadakiss cause he ain’t have a wack verse his whole career and his voice makes everything sound that much better so yea Kiss in my top three, Biggie cause he could do it all, hard shit, radio shit, joints for the ladies and he just was a timeless talent that was only 24 years old when he died. Listen to a 24 year old now and they are not anywhere near where he was at musically and lastly early HOV cause... it’s Hov lol

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Q: What keeps you on track to working on your music?

A: Life. As it happens I need an outlet to get things off my chest and express where I am at mentally.. like I said I use music as a diary and a way to speak to those who know exactly what I am talking about. Some things I talk about often sound like a coded language but if you know you know and that’s what I love about it. My audience may not be the biggest at this stage but those who are tuned in always hit me up and tell me that my shit hits different cause I am speaking to them and for them.. I love that

Q: When making videos on Instagram, do you practice what you are going to say and rap about or does it just come naturally?

A: For the most part it is written right then and there. So no it is not “off the top of the dome” rather something I put together for that clip. I try to get on the gram once in a while and just spit cause it is like a lost art. I fell in love with rap listening to the Jada’s, Beanie Sigel’s, Wayne’s, Fab’s etc you know those could rap and I feel now yes we have a lot of great artists and great songs with dope melodies and structures but nobody is rapping rapping. So I try my best to provide that for those who are like me in the sense of missing that

Q: If you could work with anybody, with any label, who would it be and why?

A: It would be the singers. I don’t have one in mind but I love the contrast of a singing hook on a rap song and the harmonies throughout the verses . I’m not too eager to work with any rappers cause rappers are having egos and I really do not have patience for all that but the singers bring a different dynamic to records. I would love to just get in there and create with somebody who can really get busy like a John legend type or The Dream.

Q: What is your dream?

A: My dream is to make it and motivate somebody to do the same thing right after me and keep that going. I understand that I only have one life but if I inspire that will live forever...The Purpose is Motivation

Q: what is your opinion or feeling to the injustices that are going on? How do you think your art can make an impact on this?

A: I believe the art is just a small part of this bigger issue. The impact will be made in behavior and actions, being the difference that I want to see. As far as The music it will always be a birds eye view into the life of a black man in America because that’s what I am. So you will hear about the injustices and fight to not become another statistic due to the systematic racism that holds back minorities and enslaves so many brown people in this country. It’s heart breaking to know a black life has no value in America but brings so much value to American culture.

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