Dancing With Jabari Timmons

Q: How would you define yourself as an artist?

A: I would say a good word to define myself as an artist is “genuine”. Anytime I move or express I do my best to express genuinely, from how I hear the music and show the music with my movement to how I feel and what feeling I want to portray.

Q: How old were you when you started to dance? When did you decide to turn it into a career?

A: My mom has recently updated me that I’ve been dancing for eighteen years... ya know cause I do not remember that far back haha

Q: What is the most important thing to you and why?

A: The most important thing to me in dance is being ME. Individuality is HUGE to me having your own voice and your own unique movement is BIG.

Q: What is your goal with dancing?

A: My goal with dancing is to influence, impact, and inspire anyone that crosses my path.

Q: How do you stay connected with your fans?

A: I stay connected with my fans by responding to direct messages and coming up with little challenges so that if they win they get something personal from me like a video thanking them for their support and love.

Q: What are the benefits of social media?

A: I feel like there are SO MANY benefits of social media but pertaining to dance I feel like it is AMAZING. Some dancers are not able to be IN the dance scene/industry so them being able to watch videos on social media to feel included, but also it is big for inspiration. People can follow their favorite dancer and look up to them in a closer more personal level. So I think social media is dope.

Q: If you could work or sponsor any company or work with a company again, what would it be and why?

A: If I could work or sponsor any company it would be Adidas. YEEZYS are THE most comfortable shoes ESPECIALLY for me being flat footed and they are SUPER stylish my favorite shoes ..and they have dope clothes too so that’s the company I would like to work with.

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Q: What do you want people to know about you?

A: Well if you are reading this I LOVE YOU and am grateful for you. I want people to know that I am working on A LOT so stay close and stay tuned.

Q: How would you like to expand on your career?

A: I would like to take my brand into acting, singing and just all over the world really I am going to be a household name.

Q: What is one goal you set for yourself?

A: Change the world...extended answer become the BEST at what I do.

Q: what is your opinion or feeling to the injustices that are going on? How do you think your art can make an impact on this?

A: I think it’s WRONG ..we didn’t ask to be black, don’t get me wrong I LOVE being black BUT we get treated like we chose to do this ..and with there being no justice for us being black ..THAT'S WRONG we’re Americans too! I use my art to make people FEEL and that’s how we bring change, empathy, and I believe change is coming because we have the world marching with us.

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